Prayer times Seattle

prayer times salah time in Seattle

Prayer time Seattle, Prayer timetable, Salah time in Seattle according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Seattle and when to raise the call to prayer in it.

Prayer time Seattle, Azan time Seattle, Salah times in Seattle today

The following time call to prayer includes maghrib prayer time Seattle, fajr prayer time Seattle, Dhuhr prayer time Seattle, Asr prayer time Seattle, Isha prayer time Seattle

About Seattle City

Seattle is among the major cities in the northwestern part of the United States of America and has a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean and great importance at the commercial level in the west of the country, especially in dealings with Asians.

The city was established in the fifties of the last century and is considered a state with a democratic system currently, and the population of the city of Seattle about 573 thousand and 672 people according to the population census of 2005 with a total area estimated at 369 thousand and 200 square kilometers, and the current US President Barack Obama was able to achieve victory.

Seattle is known for its temperate climate and extreme greenery and is called the Emerald City because of that, and despite the year-round rainfall, the percentage is not comparable to the amount of precipitation in New York City, for example, and it also has one of the most prominent stadiums in the country, Centrallink Field.

Seattle is also known as a private Catholic university, founded in 1891, and The Af Street in the University of Washington area is among the most important streets in the area, and Seattle combines in its economy to integrate technology, services and modern and ancient industry.

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