Prayer time Boston, Prayer timetable, Salah time in Boston according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Boston and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer time Boston, Azan time Boston, Salah times in Boston today
The following time call to prayer includes maghrib prayer time Boston, fajr prayer time Boston, Dhuhr prayer time Boston, Asr prayer timeBoston, Isha prayer time Boston
About Boston City
Boston, located in America, which is also called Boston, is the capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the largest city in it, and it is also the capital of the new England region known unofficially, and it is among the most important, oldest and richest large cities in the United States of America, and the city of Boston is located in Suffolk County, as well as the Greater Boston area, which consists of the city of Brolin, Quincy City, Newton City and Cambridge.
Boston is also famous for its famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as the famous and oldest university in the world, Harvard University, to be among the important scientific centers in the country.
The city of Boston was founded in 1630 and its economy depends on technology, especially biotechnology, finance, health care, research, as well as higher education, and the Americans call many names on the city of Boston, such as the cradle of freedom, the city of the purified, Athens, the United States, the axis, the city of beans and the city on the hill.
The city of Boston is a peninsula characterized by a small area, as its total area is only 46 square kilometers, and it is located on the Atlantic coast in Massachusetts, not far from New York City, and the northern area of the city is historical and its population has reached about 600 thousand people according to the census.