Namaz time in Mumbai, Prayer times in Mumbai, Salah time in Mumbai according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Mumbai and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Namaz time in Mumbai – Prayer times in Mumbai, Salah time in Mumbai today
مواعيد الاذان في مومباي
مواقيت الصلاة في مومباي، مواقيت الصلاة في مومباي حسب التوقيت المحلي معرفة وقت صلاة الفجر وقت الظهر ووقت العصر ووقت المغرب ووقت العشاء في مومباي ومتى يجب رفع الأذان فيها.
About Mumbai City
The city of Mumbai is the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra, and it is among the largest cities globally, with a total area of about 344 square kilometers.
According to the 2011 census, the population of the city of Bombay was about 12 million and 478 thousand people with a population density of about four thousand and 768 people per square kilometer.
The city of Mumbai was previously called “Bombay” until 1995, and it is the first city in the country and its center at the commercial, cultural and economic levels, as well as the presence of a port due to its location on the west coast of India.
The city of Mumbai consists of seven islands that were areas where fishermen gathered, and successive kingdoms and empires had previously extended their influence over these islands.
Bombay became a very important commercial city in the 18th century, while it experienced educational and economic growth in the 19th century and by the beginning of the 20th century the city was characterized by a strong hall for the country’s independence movement.
The city united with the state in 1947 after gaining independence, and about 13 years later a modern state was established in the capital of Maharashtra, changing the name from Bombay to Mumbai in 1996.
Mumbai is nicknamed by many diverse names, such as “Hollywood India”, “Gateway of India”, “City of Dreams” as well as “City of Seven Islands”, where Snihall Ambekar is the mayor.