Prayer time Doha, Prayer timetable, Salah time in Doha according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Doha and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer times Doha, Azan time Doha, Salah times in Doha today
The following time call to prayer includes maghrib prayer time Doha, fajr prayer time Doha, Dhuhr prayer time Doha, Asr prayer time Doha, Isha prayer time Doha
About Doha City
Doha is the capital of the State of Qatar and according to 2011 estimates its population is about one million and 450 thousand people and is considered one of the coastal cities located in the middle of the eastern coast of the Qatar Peninsula on the shore of the Arabian Gulf.
There are more than one government department, financial and commercial institution and a ministry in Doha, and there is a large commercial port with a modern-style airport that connects it with the rest of the world, and it is famous for its many mosques and buildings that were built in a modern style and contains a large number of libraries such as the National Library and the Qatar Library in addition to the presence of the headquarters of Al Jazeera in it.
Doha has witnessed many major global events such as the Asian Games held in 2006, the largest in the world since history, and the Doha Development Round, one of the first rounds of trade negotiations organized by the World Trade Organization.
Doha was named by this name because it was built on a bay of the sea and the start date was in 1686 with the Gregorian calendar, and it is one of the historically important cities in Qatar since ancient times, the majority of Doha’s population is foreigners, as the demographic of the population is not normal and expatriates coming from southern Asian countries occupy the largest number.