Prayer times Kuwait, Prayer timetable, Salah time in Kuwait according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Kuwait and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer times Kuwait, Azan time Kuwait, Salah times in Kuwait today
The following time call to prayer includes maghrib prayer time Kuwait, fajr prayer time Kuwait, Dhuhr prayer time Kuwait, Asr prayer time Kuwait, Isha prayer time Kuwait
About Kuwait City
Kuwait City is located in the State of Kuwait and is considered its capital, as it is located on the coast of the Arabian Gulf in the south of Kuwait Bay and includes both Shuwaikh Port and Kuwait International Airport, which are a vital nerve for it.
Kuwait City is divided into four main sections: Dasman area, Mirqab area, Jableh region and Sharq region, and Kuwaitis call it Deira, and during the current year 2016, Kuwait was chosen to be the capital of Islamic culture along with both the Sierra Leonean city of Freetown and the Maldivian city of Malé.
According to a recent census, the population of Kuwait City in the metropolitan area has reached about two million and 380 thousand people, and the total area is about eight thousand square kilometers.
The largest population concentration of Kuwaitis before the oil period was in Kuwait City and was surrounded by gates and a wall as it is known in many Arab countries throughout history, and during different periods Kuwait City evolved to form a group of neighborhoods and developed until it is currently several areas.
Throughout history, Kuwait City was represented in a very small city at the level of size, surrounded by a wall called the first wall, and later named after the expansion was made outside the first wall and then the third wall of Kuwait was built to be divided into many neighborhoods.