Prayer times Hamilton, Prayer timetable, Salah time in Hamilton according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Hamilton and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer times Hamilton, Azan time Hamilton, Salah times in Hamilton today
The following time call to prayer includes maghrib prayer time Hamilton, fajr prayer time Hamilton, Dhuhr prayer time Hamilton, Asr prayer time Hamilton, Isha prayer time Hamilton
About Hamilton city
Hamilton is among the cities and ports in the province of Ontario in Canada, and is located on the Niagara Peninsula on Lake Ontario, which borders the United States of America, and the Royal Botanical Gardens are among the most important landmarks in Hamilton, in addition to McMaster University and the Bruce Antiquities Museum and the Canadian War Heritage Museum, in addition to the presence of many other colleges in it.
According to the information, George Hamilton built it after he bought the Durand farm during the war that took place in 1812, and the city became among the centers with a large population in relation to the industrial area at the end of Lake Ontario from the western side, which is known as the “Golden Horseshoe”, and it is known that many films, productions and television are filmed in it.
Hamiltonians are called “Hamiltonians”, and it ranks ninth in the country in terms of area and third in the province of Ontario and the city has a population of approximately 519,000 people with an estimated height of 21 meters.
Lake Hamilton is among the world’s most attractive marine areas globally and is called the “Hamilton Basin” or “Swimming Pool” and was naturally formed to become cave-like as a result of erosion factors in the area over the years.