Prayer times Calgary, Prayer timetable, Salah time in Calgary according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Calgary and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer times Calgary, Azan time Calgary, Salah times in Calgary today
The following time call to prayer includes maghrib prayer time Calgary, fajr prayer time Calgary, Dhuhr prayer time Calgary, Asr prayer time Calgary, Isha prayer time Calgary
About Calgary city
Calgary, located in Canada, occupies the first place in terms of the largest cities in the province of Alberta and is located in the province of Alberta in the south and has a northern border with the city of Edmonton, the capital of the province of Alberta, and a western border with the Rocky Mountains along an extension of eighty kilometers by approximation.
Calgary is a popular place for athletes from around the world who specialize in winter sports, and also has a website that focuses on the region’s new news and news, and uses the number 403 as a phone code.
The city is known for its cold weather and its proximity to the snow-covered mountains on which to practice skiing, and was the first Canadian city to hold an Olympic Winter Games on its soil, which was launched in 1988 AD.
Kilgari is among the famous cities in the field of chemical and petroleum industries and there are many companies working in these activities, such as the company “Nexen” and the company “Husky” as well as other chemical and oil companies.
According to the statistics of the 2006 census, the number reached nearly one million people, and it ranks fifth in Canada in terms of population, which reached in 2011 about one million and 96 thousand people.