Prayer time Chicago, Prayer timetable, Salah time in Chicago according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Chicago and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer time Chicago, Azan time Chicago, Salah times in Chicago today
About Chicago City
Chicago occupies the third place in terms of area in the United States of America after both New York City and the city of Los Angeles, and is located in the state of Illinois, and its population has reached about eight million and 600 thousand people and is known as among the largest cities in the world if not classified as the largest city, and it is also characterized by being a multinational city, all nationalities of the world are in Chicago.
According to the ethnic composition of the city of Chicago, the largest percentage is occupied by whites through 45 percent, while blacks, especially Africans, represent 32.9 percent in the city, and O’Hare International Airport in Chicago is among the world’s busiest airports in terms of users, which made it a center globally in many fields such as communications, tourism, travel, transportation, science, industries, trade and the economy in general.
Four years ago, in 2012, the city of Chicago received about 46.37 million tourists from inside and outside the American territory, making it a record number of tourists who came to the city.
The city is known for its contributions to the United States of America in many different activities, especially artistic such as soul, blues, jazz, novel, cinema, theater and other fields.